Thursday, December 28, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Tried to be Introduced
October 04, 2006 ------------
Everything New: Labs, Class, Labmates, Class Styles.....
Searching for Essentials
September 28-October 01, 2006
We tried to be habituated in living at private apartments for the first in Japan . These days we were very much busy in arranging our apartments. Searched for different essentials here and there in Saijo area.
Buying Cell Phone
September 27, 2006
In the evening I visited AU Mobile Phone Office near Hiroshima University Campus at Shitami with Akbar Bhai and we both buy AU Cell Phone.
Life @ HIP: September 14-26, 2006
Arrived at Hiroshima International Plaza (HIP), Higashi-Hiroshima on September 14, 2006 at noon. Enjoyed the food of HIP. Met with JDS-JICE Staffs several times for different purposes. Searched for Apartment with them and finally sellected.
Sayoonara to Ritsumeikan Fellows

September 04, 2004
Sayonara to Ritsumeikan group in the moring. Some of us could not control the tears of their eyes. What a hard scene! You cann't believe!
"Try to keep our friendship forever
Let's go toward tomorrow with hope
I want to live freely like a bird
Good bye today
See you someday
It's pleasing to bealive each other
Don't forget such a feeling
Good bye today
See you someday"
Bangla Gathering: Bangla Khabar: Sayonara to Manir & Wali san

September 03, 2006

Gathering at the Apato of Sazzad san and took the taste of Bngali Khabar just after two months. So oishi (tasty)..... so enjoyable evening having a gathering all of us except Shabbir san.
In night we met at Shabbir san's room for giving sayonara to Manir Bhai and Wali san. Tried to recall the memories of the last two days and so on.................
Visit to Ashahi Shinbun & OSIC Concert
August 25, 2006

At noon, we started for visiting Ashahi Shinbun with Mihara Sensei by JICA Bus from OSIC to Ibaraki Station and then by Train to the Shinbun office. We visited several sections of the Shinbun Office and also attended a Briefing Program and then enjoyed a Movie shows on the history and development process of the newspapers. On the way of our returning back, Sensei offered refreshment for us.

After coming back to OSIC, wearing kimono we enjoyed OSIC Concert 2 at evening. Very exciting and interesting.
Home Stay: New Experience

August 05-06, 2006
Staying with a Host Family was a new experience in life. On August 05 morning my host came to take me to their home. After some formalilites we went to Ibaraki Station by Taxi and then took train to go.
After lunch we went for shopping and then to "Omatsuri"- a festival in the evening of that day by Bi-cycle. I enjoyed it very much.
On August 06, 2006, just after finishing our breakfast we started for Expo Park by car at 9:00. We passed several hours at the Park and took our lunch there. Very exciting!
At night of around 21:40 I came back to OSIC of that day.
First Day of Second Month in Nihon
August 03, 2006
"The World for us"
[Sekai wa futari no tameni]
Love, for you and me
Flowers, for you and me
Falling in love, just you and me
Dreams, for you and me
The world is made just for us two
The world is made just for us two
Sky, let's look up together
Road, let's walk down together
Sea, let's look at it together
Hills, let's climb up together
The world is made just for us two
The world is made just for us two
Why am I with you
When am I going to see you
Where am I going with you
Now, that you are here with me
The world is made just for us two
The world is amde just for us two.
One Month Passed in Japan
August 02, 2006
Mishu, my wife, reminded me that we were going to pass one month by the time. I tried to remember I left my beloved family and country on that day just before a month. But how had I passed the days?
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Opening of Japanese Language Class

July 21, 2006
Nihongo no kurasu wa hajimarimashita. It was a nice begining. Eleven fellows from five different countries (2 from Mongolia, 3 from Vietnam, 1 from Plilipine, 1 from Uzbekistan who was later replaced by another Philipinese and 4 from Bangladesh) attended the class at Seminar Room # 2 on 2nd Floor of OSIC. We became members of a global family very easily. We had three Sensei: Mihara sensei, Soda sensei and Kobayashi sensei. All Sensei were very much cooperative and sincere to us. We all fellows enjoyed the class very much. Frankely speaking, we initiated a nice chapter of friendship through the starting of Language class in Japan.
Opening Bank Account
July 20, 2006
Visited to JICE Osaka Office at Ibaraki to apply for opening an account on Shinshei Bank. Then we visited MYCAL shopping center.